The first thing our group did really well was creating an elevated platform. We made it right after we finished digging out the entrance. This helped block out the wind from blowing inside the quinzhee. For extra heat we brought out a big bag that we used to block the entrance when we slept. This was a very good idea that kept us from being super cold at night. The second thing we did well was digging out the inside of our quinzhee wide and tall enough to fit all of us. We made the walls very thick so when we were digging it out we had more than enough room for all four girls. In addition to this we dug out the ground making sure the platform was leveled and smoothed out so we weren't awkwardly lying on rough patches. The third thing my group did well was our meal preparation. We made after school sandwiches which filled us and gave us energy to finish up digging and making the final touches on our quinzhee. For dinner we made egg and cheese wraps which we warmed up over the fire. We packed extra snacks like granola bars and crackers to eat whenever we got hungry. Finally we brought graham crackers, chocolate and marshmallows to make smores at night. This was a really good idea as making smores is basically a camping tradition.
Some things that I recommend to the rookies that are building they're quinzhees next year:
1. LAYER YOUR CLOTHES. Don't be afraid to stock up on the sweat pants, warm socks, and hoodies, this can only help you have a more enjoyable experience. Sleeping in damp clothes makes them freeze causing you to be much cooler throughout the night.
2. Try and get at least 4 hours of sleep. When you're lying in the quinzhee time does not go by quickly as you're not used to the more harsh conditions. Waking up throughout the night is to be expected, but there's nothing worse than trying to properly process a day of school running on 2 hours of sleep.
3.Make sure your quinzhee is big enough!! Building the quinzhee can sometimes be stressful looking at the progress of other groups and comparing yours to others. Concentrate a lot on making your quinzhee the right size to fit how ever amount of people you have sleeping in it. Doing this it'll make you and the people in your group happier and more comfortable having enough room to move around and sleep without having to be lying over someone's legs.
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