Day one
Packed gear in the outdoor Ed room
Bus ride to p17
Snow shoed 2km into brown cabin
Unpacked gear in brown cabin and melted snow for water
Snow shoed about 8km around Brown Lake and Carman Lake
Made spaghetti with ground beef pasta sauce, Cesar salad and
garlic toast
Melted snow for water
Day 2
Breakfast was English muffins cheese, scrambled eggs and
bacon with slices of oranges and apples
Packed gear for day ski trip
Went skiing for about 11km stopped for lunch
Lunch we ate grill cheese
Skied a few km stopped at the path to the caves
Walked 1km in to get to the caves
Explored the caves
1km back to ski path
Skied back to brown cabin approximately 7-8 km
Had fajitas for dinner = chicken peppers, cheese and Spanish
Melted snow for water
Relaxed by a fire
Day 3
Had pancakes and fruit slices for breakfast
Packed gear
Snow shoed 2km to p17 loaded bus and arrived back at school.
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