Gatineau Ski Trip Reflection
Overall, I thought that this trip was great. We got the chance to do a lot of awesome activities and have a lot of fun doing them. Our trip started the morning of February 23rd and we arrived back at school the morning of February 25. The trip was not to long and not to short. It gave us enough time to complete everything on our agenda.
The activities that we got the chance to do on the trip were great. we started with about a 2km snowshoe into the woods to get to brown cabin. That night we got the opportunity to go on a fairly long snowshoe. We went uphill, downhill, across bodies of water and even down cliffs. I believe that getting to slide down the cliffs on our snowshoes was the best part of the trip. It was a lot of fun and a great adrenalin rush. That night we also played different games in the cabin such as liars dice and Cards against Humanity. On the following day we had a long ski. It was approximately 22 km and took the entire day. We started by taking trial 57 out to trail 52. We headed North East on trail 52 and intercepted trail 51 West. We then took 50 and then trail 73. We rapped up by taking trail 52 back to the cabin. We got the chance to cook lunch in a day use cabin which was great. After this we got the chance to check out the Lusk caves. They were very cool and were not blocked. This gave us the opportunity to crawl around inside them. When we got back that night everyone was beat. On the final day we had a 2 km snowshoe back out of the woods to catch our bus. Overall each day was filled with things to do.
I thought that the ski conditions while we were on the trip were great. The trails were well groomed and the snow was great. The route that we took was fairly difficult but everyone was up for the challenge. as well the weather was great throughout the week. It was usually clear and brisk but we did get snow on one of the nights. The living arrangements while we were there were great. We stayed in Brown Cabin for two nights. I thought that the setup of the cabin was great. There was series of quarters with four beds( two sets of bunk beds). There was a kitchen, general dining area and a spot the sit in front of the fireplace. There was plenty of space to sit when we ate and there was enough room for a number of people to help cook the food.
The food we had on the trip was great. On the first night we had spaghetti with garlic bread. I thought there was easily enough food for everyone and it was very good. The following morning we had breakfast sandwiches. They were great and we had them with toast and fruit. That afternoon we had grilled cheese which we cooked on the fireplace in the day use cabin. Once we got back to Brown Cabin that night we had fajitas. To me, this was the best meal of the trip. There was plenty of food and it was very good. Finally, the following morning we had pancakes. During the trip we also had snacks for all the days. They came in handy by giving us much needed energy during the long days of skiing and snowshoeing.
If I was to do this trip again I would most likely try to do a better job at layering. There were several times on the trip that I found myself too hot or to cold. Overall I thought that this outdoor ed trip was great. It was not to short or too long. I got to experience a lot of different things and had a lot of fun doing it. I am great full that we ended up getting two nights in the cabin instead of one. I would defiantly do this trip again if I had the chance.
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